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Najah, 30 y.o.
New Orleans, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 187.
inactive user
OMG! same here... I really needed to sleep! Yeah, there's a lot of app that looks like after effect !

hmm... I'll say that i'm more into photomontage and anything that related to fashion and watercolor.. I guess?

How about you? Do you like art?
inactive user
Hi najah nice to meet you :)

thank you for the compliment! I used the app called "After effect"

How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2014
Finally Ramadhan is over but I dread Eid so much. My relatives like to ask when it is my turn to get married. I feel like I am 16 at times but with INCOME and MORE RIGHTS. Hahahaha.
Anyway, my mom ended getting a housekeeper to help us out. High time she got one! All the good food that I had on Eid is taking a toll on my body. Feeling so bloated. Gonna detox soon!!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2014
I was quite happy to know that Vee is going to die. Even now, when I see gifs or screencaps of Miss Rosa running over Vee, I felt a sense of unbridled joy. LOL! Must admit the actress playing Vee is super convincing. Someone should give her an award now!

I agree with you about Alex. I missed Alex too! She was a better lover than Larry for sure! Larry was all over the place. Everytime he comes up on the screen, I rolled my eyes. Lol!

Unfortunately, I don't play video games. Somehow I can't click with video games. This weekend is the weekend leading to Eid. Eid is the day of celebration for Muslims who observe Ramadhan (the fasting month). So it would be cleaning my house and preparing food. All so domesticated. I might just escape to the library though. Not interested. Hhahaha.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2014
Thinking of Vee manipulating Crazy Eyes makes my blood boil. Lol so much anger for a fictional character. They don't even exist!! It is a good thing that Chapman doesnt have a lot of screen time. Her situation seems more trivial as compared to some of the other inmates.

How have you been this week? Any plans for the weekend?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2014
Hey hello :) Was quite shy to message anyone here on Interpals after reading their profiles. Lol. So where are you at on Orange is the New Black? Just ended watching Season 2. I've been good. You?
inactive user
Hehe you're welcome :) Thanks I really busy these days but I would be happy to talk to you somethime!
inactive user
Hello Najah! Why didn't you choose architecture then if you like it more? scene...What kind of design do you mean exactly? For architecture I can show this one : who doesn't like wikipedia? :D)
inactive user
Thank you for your visit :)
inactive user
i am fine thanks i am in holiday
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