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Moukmouk, 48 y.o.
Oran, Algeria [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 12.
inactive user
Salam Moukmouk, i am fine.. thanks.
Wish u and your family are fine and happy always. :)
inactive user
Salam.. me and my family are fine.. thanks for your concern.
In Ramadhan fasting month now, I am working on houses design. We will have Idul Fitri holidays too..
How about you? Hope everything oke with you and your family too.
Best regards.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2011
inactive user
hi.. i am fine, hope you always good too. :)
i've meet few architects in this site but i seldom talk to them.
if you want you can search here by keywords 'architect'..
how's your work going, your 3ds are very good. :)
wish you success.
inactive user
thankyou. nice to know you too.
your english if good enough, same with me, stil learning.
wish u be a succesful architect there. :)
inactive user
yep! :D
so.. just ask to me when you need some help.
i'd like to give you my email so if you need sth, just come up on the email or even my instant messenger ^^
inactive user
ca va mouk mouk..?
peut-etre je puis vous aide en anglais :D
inactive user
Hi, I was looking for a good site for you, and found this:
If you click on 'Reading' you'll find some good stories. I hope you find this helpful!
inactive user
Thank you for your thorough reply! And I was able to understand all of it, it's really not that bad! =] Also, thanks for the link. I looked at it briefly but will return when I have a little more free time. I'm sure I'll have more questions soon. =]
inactive user
Thanks! Okay, where to start? Hm. I guess that's a good question really - if I wanted to learn Arabic, where's the best place to start? Learning the alphabet? Any suggestions for a good website?

Next question: Are there different dialects of Arabic, or is it pretty universal? Meaning, is the language spoken in one country or part of a country the same as, or at least understood by those somewhere else?
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