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Manon, 30 y.o.
Montpellier, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 40.
inactive user
Hi, nice to meet you too :) we can do that! I would love to write with you :3 I also need to improve my french as well!
inactive user
Hi :)
Nice to meet you too.
Of course! Why not? :D
I'll try my best although I need to admit that German is a quite difficult language ^^
Oh how awesome!

Bye :)
inactive user
Happy Birthday^^
inactive user
me too hoping
anyway thanks haha i really had a great day
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2012
I'm on 2nd year of school? I have 14/15 years old'
Oh, my country is sooo weird. I was in few libraries and bookshops, but there wasn't anything about Korea >.< Of course, a lot of China, Japan, India etc, but nothing about Korea >.< Poland is stupid --'
Oh, so you'll be driver? ;3
Why am I always late to school? ._. I'm late at least two times a week >.<
I'm curious what is your favourite school subject :'D
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2012
You're in middle or high school (I'm not sure how it calls in English)?
Today my English teacher(?) ask me to take part in school's show, but I can't act even in my language, so I'm not sure if I will do that xD And I've always got a 'stage fear' >.<
I have to write to school gazette (do you know what I mean?) about Christmas in Korea and Japan, but "Glee" doesn't let me write about it :'< xD But I don't even know enough, so maybe I should go to library for some books about Asia.
And ooooh, weekend! ^^ I've waited for that whole week :o My teacher makes me crazy, seriously...
inactive user
I wish they come out with new songs
Reply - Conversation - Nov 15, 2012
hi, how are you? what did you do today? :'D
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2012
it's like "suju is the best band in the world. why do you love snsd that much? I can't understand you. they're fine, but suju is the best." sometimes that's really makes me angry >.<
my friend likes to criticize my favourites too, so sometimes I want to kill her xD
my mom likes that language :') sometimes I speak to her in korean and do aegyo and she loves that :'D
I saw few scenes of that, and I think he's so cute *-*
inactive user
Alexander and Kibum surely is handsome haha
dong ho is cute yeah
i cant remember who sings the best in ukiss?
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