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Aaaannnddd I just saw that it's your birthday on facebook!! Happy birthday :D Or Bon anniversaire (See, I still remember some of my French) xD
Hmm, it must be hard. But you have to understand, different people have different ways of coping after a break-up! Some try to reach out and be friends, which, in my experience usually makes it really awkward for both parties. Some just try to move on by completely avoiding contact with the other person. It would make sense to get some closure and just sit down and talk it all out so that both of you can get past this and not hate each other completely. And given the 3 year history, I can see why you would still want this person in your life :) And as far as the new guy goes, I can imagine! You're already living together, which is a step most couples take months/years to reach xD I never actually reached that phase with any of my girlfriends though :P So, that was your problem with Bordeaux! The suburbs can be a bit dull, I know -_- My parents live in the suburbs in a city a little far off from mine, So, every time I visit them, I'll have nothing to do. Absolutely nothing!! Even the people there are the extremely shy types, so even meeting someone new is not quite an option o_O And I think it's great your Dad likes to experiment with dishes! I always like trying out new stuff xD I should try out his stuff someday! And c'mon! Even if India's bit far-off, you could just catch a flight and be here in a few hours! And I need to renew my passport too, that's why I can't make any plans outside of India :/ My friends wanted to make plans to go abroad, someplace like Sydney or Los Angeles! Even Europe seemed like a do-able option before the passport problem stepped in. So, that's a bummer! Hopefully next year, I'll try coming there :) And trust me when I tell you, surgeries are seriously no big deal after you've spent nearly an entire year in med school dissecting a cadaver :/
Whoa :o That's a lot to process! You're right, things have definitely changed since we last talked! So, you're still trying to be friends with your ex? Given the history and everything, that's always a hard thing to do, trust me, I've been there :P I'm happy you've found someone else though :) (Avkash, is it?) Moving on after breaking up with someone isn't the easiest thing. (Again, speaking from personal experience :P) It's nice to see that you're finally getting used to Bordeaux! I think this is the first time you've told me you're actually having fun out there and not preparing for some upcoming exam! Speaking of which, I'm sure you'll do well on your exams, people like us are always at our best when studying just before the exams ;) And your dad's opening a restaurant?! Good for him! Pass on my "felicitations" :D What kind of restaurant is it going to be? Oye, instead of making a European trip, why don't you some here? I sure could use a little cheering up during the summer, given all my close friends here have exams while I'm only one left jobless -_- And as far as Ophthalmology goes, it's not like I'm the one doing the surgeries :P I just stand next to the surgeon and assist them! My posting got over yesterday, so I'll be moving on to orthopedics next, so that should be fun! And nah, there's more to it than the weather, I don't know. I feel like I should get out there and do something new, you know, have an unforgettable experience, because this is the last year where I get to have fun. For the next two years, I'll be in my internship and I'll have no free time whatsoever :/ So, I want to make this year count, but I'm just all drained out of ideas!
I can see that! What kind of life changes are we talking about here though? Do elaborate :P Well, everything's going well on my side. I passed my exams, started the new academic year and I'm pretty close to a vacation myself, sometime around May! So, that should be fun ;) The medicine part's all right, I'm currently posted in ophthalmology (eye stuff) and it's actually pretty interesting, especially the surgeries! Although overall, I feel like life has been a bit dull for the past few months. Can't really seem to figure out why. I hope you do well on your presentation (with that french accent, who wouldn't? :P) and your exams too! Hit me up soon, peace :)
Hey Marine! How's it going? It has been a while :)
Hey! What's up? :)
Hey Marine! It has been a while,hasn't it? I'm doing pretty well,thanks! How are you? What have you been up to? We should totally catch up on skype sometime soon when you are free :)
Whats' up ?
Je l'ai lu il y a quelques mois, il est énorme ce livre ! J'ai plus qu'adoré !
J'étais limite presque déçu qu'il se termine seulement au bout de quelques 800 pages...
Je réponds également à ton message avec un mois et demi de retard... Pas mal de boulot ces derniers temps. Finalement, j'ai continué à travailler sur mon lieu de stage. Ma tutrice a été promue et mutée, et du coup j'ai été embauché pour la remplacer cet été, et faire la transition avec le prochain professionnel. Encore une semaine de taf, et après vacances !!!! Jusqu'au 6 Septembre.
Je ne me suis toujours pas décidé où j'allais partir. J'hésite entre la Lituanie, la Hongrie, la Pologne, la Suède. Ça va se faire au dernier moment, j'ai encore une semaine pour décider.
Tu bosses toujours dans l'hôpital ou pas ?
Et le projet Agen-Toulouse, il en est où ???
T'as été faire du CouchSurfing en Espagne ??
FELICITATIONS pour ton année !!! Héhé !!! C'est cool !
Toujours pas de nouvelles photos au fait ? Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ??? ^^
A tout bientôt !!
Boujoute !
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