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Mbel, 40 y.o.
Douala, Cameroon [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
inactive user
hi :)
inactive user
how r u ?
nice to meet u
inactive user
hi mbel!
this is my correct e-mail:
[email protected]
sorry for my mystake.i apologize.
inactive user
hi mbel!
how are you?
i think you do not like to write.for lines i write you write one.
then i remember an old friend i have in brazil.her name is sandra.
last march i took our pictures toguether and i sent her both photos.
i answered last week because i complained.i sent her a nice card and she said she has no time to answer.i know it is a lie because she has internet 24 hours at home.there are 34 years i know her.
she got married with a friend but now she asked for the divorce.
her husband always drank and used drugs since he was 17 y.o.
i knew about it .she said she did not.ido not believe.
well...i have insisted in this friendship for a long time.i already discussed with her.i told her:when i like somebody as a friend i give my best and i also want the best.i got tired of wife knows her.i gave up of her.i do not need a person like that.
i told her iam pure emotion.
i already tried to make friendship with others but ...i use to say iam very strange.when i like i like but if i do not like i forget.
so...if you want to be my friend you have to write more.
i do not want know about your private live but how you and your people live, culture,languages,behavior and so many things...
please, give me you e-mail.i would like to send you a card.
this is one of my e-mail:[email protected]
in this way i can send you a big letter like this next time.i dont like to write in a public wall.
i want to learn with you and also to teach about my country and me.
thank you
Reply - Conversation - Jun 14, 2009
Thanks for your message, you look lovely xxx
inactive user
je suis content!
a bientôt,
inactive user
I am a black male US citizen living in the USA. I will visit Cameroon by mid June 2009. If you are interested in meeting me or knowing more about me, reply this mail. I am 47 years .
My email address [email protected] . I am a very caring and depaendable person.
Let’s go from there. See/talk/write to you later.
inactive user
Gwekewe Niwiidigik. Means hello ny Sister in my words (Ojibway) Government call us Chippewe ,we call us Ojibway,not know much of Cameroon,but will findout on Google Earth,very good free program,anything ya would like to know about me,just pplease ask,but expect a honest answer,cuz that is all ya will get from me,and what ya mean man like me? I just be one of the Great Spirit's) children like you,color make no difference,when it come to friends and doughter in law's I am colored blind.Waajiwe Niwiidigik. means Goodby My Sister.....Gene.......Walks- N-Woods
Reply - Conversation - Jun 5, 2009
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