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Likescake, 32 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 44.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2011
Yeah i know and whats bad is it started when i was 15! :O
The first surgery went good. You can still see where the stitches were but its healing up good. I still cant lift anything over 2 pounds or it hurts! :/ But its going good.

Oh wow i bet that was fun serving all the business ppl....HA
As long as they are nice i would be ok with it but there is alot that come into places that are just so stuck up and dont even talk or look at you.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2011
Oh lord that sucks when that happens. I have carpal tunnel so i know the feeling. At night and throughout most of the day my arm from about my elbows down would go numb and then a tingling pain would go thru them. but i have already had the surgery done on my right hand about a month ago and go back in august for the other one.

My morning is was good. Had to go to work lol im still at work but its a boring cashier job at a small gas and grocery station. They have wi-fi here tho so im on my laptop :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2011
Hello :) how are you?

I read your profile and i thought i would leave ya a post cause you seem like a cool person lol :P
inactive user
Good to hear.
Nothing really just getting ready to go out for the day xD

I love spirited away, i still do lol. Never too old for one of his films i think. Howls moving castle is great too =)
inactive user
Heya. Im Teresa. Nice to meetcha.
How are you?
And btw i love the majority of the bands abd films you mentioned ^.~
Reply - Conversation - Jun 14, 2011
Awesome (:
So when that happens ill send you some
songs too yeah?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 14, 2011
haha sounds good :) im on the phone til i get internet at home so i can't send links at the moment
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2011

Good, Thank you :).
Reply - Conversation - Jun 12, 2011
Hello, I'm New ^w^ . How are you ? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 12, 2011
a day to remember, system of a down, attack! attack!, escape the fate, 3oh!3, ff5, my chemical romance... etc.
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