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Leiyuxin ann, 28 y.o.
Dadukou, China [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 70.
inactive user
Hi, nice to meet you too!
inactive user
Sorry for the late reply too~
Ahh i understand..but why don't your school allow you to have your cell phone?
Don't worry its alright:)
Mee too i miss you very much! i hope you are having a great time in boarding school thoughxD
inactive user
facebook上有很多喔 我知道你們上不了那邊 我都會抓圖片給我中國腐女朋友看:D
inactive user
inactive user
我以前喜歡BG 迷得要死! 直接一萬塊砸下去買書的那種XD
我現在腐了 喜歡BL 你能接受嗎?
inactive user
My chinese name is 琳达 xD
inactive user
Yayayay that would be great!^^ thank you!:")
I started learn a little bit of chinese in second grade in high school but I stopped as I was soo busy witg studying n stuff...but recently its been about 2 month now that I have started again!
inactive user
Thanks lol I get that a lot :)
inactive user
哈哈哈我以為你是說飲料的易拉罐 剛剛看到你的訊息我還去圖片搜尋了下 找到的都是瓶瓶罐罐LOL~~ 連維基百科的解釋也是關於瓶子的解釋哈哈哈:)
inactive user
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