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Lachy, 30 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 7 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
inactive user
You remind me of Tokio Hotel.
inactive user
inactive user
I really liked "Something for the weekend" so they might be a group I can actually get my butt into haha. Have you ever heard of the Stuts? If not then I really recommend 'could have been me'. Different from the Pulp and The Divine Comedy but with your music taste they might be a group you like
inactive user
Divine comedy? I can't say I've heard of them but I'm so behind on the times I swear ;-; can you recommend me a song of theirs to check out?
inactive user
It's a shame because they're a great group. I remember being raised on Common people, year 2000 and something changed because my mum really liked them haha. What are your favourite songs by them?
inactive user
That's a pretty amazing music taste you have there and I love the inclusion of Pulp! I didn't know many people still liked them.
inactive user
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