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Ahoj, jasně, ráda si ho poslechnu, já tu taky nejsem jen tak omylem. Rusky docela umím a narodila jsem se v Barnaulu, zvládám ty dva jazyky (čj, ruština) skoro stejně - když mluvím :D
těší mě, jsem Maria :)
těší mě, jsem Maria :)
Ahoj, proč ses přestěhovala do Česka? Ty tu studuješ? Jinak já jsem taky z Ruska, přijeli jsme sem s rodinou ještě předtím, než jsem šla na základní školu) můžu ti pomoct s češtinou, jestli chceš :)
privet kristina. :) u menya vse khorosho, spasibo. dlya mnogikh let! russkiy ochen krasivvy yazyk, ya go lyubllyu. da, ya studentka. ya lyublyu muzyku i yazyke.
privet, kak pozhivaesh? ya Elizabet i ya iz Danii. priyatno poznakomitsya :)
Hey I'm almost done with exams! How're you?
My place looks great but I don't know how I could describe it , but i have an album on interpals with pics about my city:)
Oh yeah it's delicious! We eat a lot of things! We have our traditionnal cook in each regions of France! Also we love to eat onions and garlic on the plates^^
Oh yeah the weather was so bad! but it has been three days now that it got better :) what did you plan for this summer?
My place looks great but I don't know how I could describe it , but i have an album on interpals with pics about my city:)
Oh yeah it's delicious! We eat a lot of things! We have our traditionnal cook in each regions of France! Also we love to eat onions and garlic on the plates^^
Oh yeah the weather was so bad! but it has been three days now that it got better :) what did you plan for this summer?
Hello Kristina! You posted on my wall on month ago and i have to say that i'm totally busy but soon exams are over!
Oh thanks :)
Oh yeah France is great, you should come here as soon as you can!
How have you been?
Oh thanks :)
Oh yeah France is great, you should come here as soon as you can!
How have you been?

The obligatory, "basic" part of Finnish education lasts seven years. After that students can continue to vocational- or high school and further to university or polytechnic. The duration of the studies can vary quite remarkably according to each person's own choices.
I guess I've enjoyed going to school for the most part, though sometimes the motivation is zero. My favorite subject at high school was probably either English or psychology. I will have a school-leaving party of a kind: there is a ceremony for all graduates and also partying at home and at a night club later in the evening.
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