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Narae , 36 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 43.
inactive user
안녕하세요 ㅎ
inactive user
hii long time no talk u dont use thsi much eitehr do you hehe=p
Reply - Conversation - Oct 15, 2009
yeah i know M.C.THE MAX

i like them since Moon Child~!!

How long lived in Australia~!!?
inactive user
doing much for you weekend? =)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2009
thank you for the reply
i`m fine
long time no see~!
what travelling?w­here?
so envy~!
and i took picture of places not pusan is the gyeongju~!
inactive user
helloo =)

thank you for the add ^_^

how was ur day ?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2009

How is Sydney treating you Narae?

Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2009

My names colton and I want to learn korean. Also I speak english. So if you want I'll teach you english to you just ask.
inactive user

Sorry for being a bit late wth my reply. How are you? I'm good! :D

Was it raining in Sydney? It was raining here two (I think! haha) days ago, but today it's been really sunny! Although I love when it's sunny, rain is good too, because plants and ground need it ^^

Yes, people also celebrate Easter in Poland, because most of Polish people are catholics. I am not, so I didn't celebrate it in any special way. But I did go with my parents to my grandparents on Easter Day and we ate a dinner together. =) Easter show? I haven't heard about that before. Was it interesting? What did you watch/do there?

Of course I can teach you some Polish! What would you like to know? For example "hey" or "hi" means "cześć" :D But I don't know how to explain the pronunciation, this word is too complicated xD hehe~

Have a nice day and take care!
inactive user
huauhauhau, thaaanks *-*
you dont seem to be 20 \o\

yeaps, im in the 8th grade :D
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