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Erin, 32 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 844.
inactive user
your list is 100% accurate ! :)
inactive user
hey whats up im ryan! i like your california schpeel. ive never been. how is your easter weekend?
inactive user
6 and 10 are the only ones I agree with on your list >.<
"celebs" to me are like regular people i see them so often -_-
they recorded a lot at my high school, they come in to my work, i saw flaver flav walk out of a 7-11 --_-- '

HAHAHA that was pretty funny though, randomness!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7, 2012
hi and sure
inactive user
you know you wrote on your profile that want to chat with people in the state so you have to send to them hmmmm
inactive user
i said who did that video and i can sand to any body
inactive user
where did you get the msg from
inactive user
i like the green tea frapp the's so yum! wbu?
inactive user
yeah like I never met any famous one, that's the trueth, and yeah there's nothing better than starbucks, but I like tourist, at least I can tell them I met a lot famous people, and they do believe it :p
inactive user
Hey Hello Hi! :)
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