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Julenia , 38 y.o.
Brownsville, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 116.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 30, 2013
Hey Julenia! I have occasionally deleted your message on my wall. Sorry, I didn't mean to be this mean! )) but the most scary part is that it took me two weeks more to find your profile to apologize! Hehe It's better not to deal with me I guess! ... I am fine? Been busy with my personal life which is still taking me all over! ) How is Texas life? When the hell will I visit there?! ... For gid's sake! Hehe How are you doing?
inactive user
Hi Julenia,
how are u?Yes,I'm using interpals again.Hope everything's fine with u and I hope to hear from u again.
inactive user
inactive user
hello there
Reply - Conversation - Oct 7, 2009

I want to leave a message.

How are you today?

inactive user
Hey Julenia,how are you?Oh finally you come back ;-)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 2, 2008
hey bitch i love you hahahaha !!!
inactive user
Hey Julenia,how are u doing?we don't speak for a long time.i hope everything is fine!!
inactive user
the prof of italian literature is very composed,patient,he's very clever and he explains very good the lessons!!there are so few professors like him in my's going your job?and your studies?
have a great day!!
inactive user
Hi Julenia!it\'s cool to see your pics!!what\'s your job?i didn\'t come here because as i told you there are a lot of strange people :-/
in this period i\'m going to university and soon i have the italian literature oral exam so it should be better i start to study :-P
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