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Lalia, 29 y.o.
Barcelona, Spain [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 107.
inactive user
¡Yo siento tu dolor! Yo hicé lo mismo en mi último año tambien pero instead of 20 paginas solamente teniamos que cumplir 8-10 paginas de cualquier materia of our choice.
¡Te envio todo mi apoyo! >< mmmm...... ¡Ya :D Te lo envié!
Good Luck, WOOP WOOP!!! :)
inactive user
¿20 paginas?...estás en la secundaria (high school for americans) ¿?
Wow! «=0.....te doy un aplauso por el monton de trabajo que harás¡! ni siquiera puedo acabar un parafo :(
¡Buena suerte! :D y saludos¡!
inactive user
Hi ~ what questions ? Hehe :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13, 2012
¿Como estás? Hace mucho que no hablamos... :(
Reply - Conversation - Jan 31, 2012
haha:D I'm glad too ! Good luck ! Do your best !! How's the weather there? ^^
inactive user
Wow, you're an artist! O_o I envy you... I'm poor at art XP
I'm on a winter vacation, and have been busy preparing to move home. Not Stress, stress, stress, but quite tired... XS
inactive user
OMG take care!

haha yaaa Ive fell asleep last night -3-
Reply - Conversation - Jan 25, 2012
hello ~ SHINee is the best ne ? xD nice to meet you anyway xD
inactive user
Why unable to leave?
Your on vacation?

It's 3:12am here ^^;
inactive user
Likewise I'm Tetsuki :)
I'm good and you??
Pretty sleepy though lol
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