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Jessy, 30 y.o.
Birmingham, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1691.
inactive user
Welcome, I'm sure you're also nice

How are you doing ? :)
inactive user
ahaha i know how you feel about coursework '-- i do some then more and more of it gets stacked up :L
Reply - Conversation - Feb 18, 2012
holyshit, it's really been a year and a half? cause i didn't even recognize your url or anything lolol. wow! it's alll good :P
uhh, i abandoned this website for a while too after i started college, it's a lot more work. ******* awesome, though, highschool was a pile of bullshit compared to it haha ;)
no, actually we had no snow this season, i'm still surprised.we got like an inch and a half in october before halloween and that was it -_-
LOL i watched the 2nd and 3rd paranormal activity movies yesterday actually, creeped me out a little. And nahh, never saw scott pilgrim! still think michael cera is soo adorable though :P
how's your shin doin now? still bitchy, i imagine.
& how's life going? friends? family? school? significant others? haha.
it's cool, i'm not on here toooo much either. no worries :)

-jasmine :)
inactive user
Pizza hut does sound rather tempting been craving pizza all day too:( me and gym don't quite get on haha
inactive user
English language will be the death of me! especially original writing course work :( and definitely got plans for this weekend which involves going out with a few friends and just having a chilled out day might go for a meal hm not decided yet :D you?
inactive user
Mehh do still need to complete the odd pieces of course work too :'( that i'll probably leave till the last minute then end up getting crazy stressed about lol
inactive user
Am on half term too :) actually having quite a lazy half term so far even though it's only a week off i've got :l
inactive user
:D yeah i am okay thank youu, just been studing and that for all my exams coming up xD
hope your okay and try not to study yourself too hard ;D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 12, 2012
Haiiii would chu like to be friends :D? Oh do you like Anime's by any chance x3? And it's nice to meet you, my name's Shaba :D
inactive user
Helloo ^.^ sorry for the late reply and yep am great thanks :) you?
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