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Jenn, 37 y.o.
Norman, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 175.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2009
Hi, I'm from Sri lanka, I would Like to friend ship you.
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2009
Hello, my friend~~~I'm­ back~~~^^
How are u these days?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 8, 2008
Hey,girl~~~i­t's really a long long time before see u again~~hehe
I finally finished my final exam~~~well,­ feel so excited~~hah­a
I am now at home~~~~wow,­ I have not back home for a long time, father and mother felt so happy to see me...and I also had a great lunch today~~~
Well, from today on, I start my holiday and I will learn French during this summer vacation~~~ I am looking forward to it...
How's your day? Have u been in your holiday now?
inactive user
Hey how did your celebrations go by the river. Did you become babysitter? I am just going to hang out at my brothers place tonight and watch movies. Tomorrow im working so it wont be an extremely late night. Other than that i haven't got much else plan i might go to the mall a little latter not sure yet. I'm loving having a break from studying though its well deserved and good. take it easy Jenn :)
inactive user
Sounds like fun, we wouldn't let him gawk its ok :) Whats new anyway? I haven't been doing much just enjoying doing nothing and not having to read anything or study.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2008
Hey Jenn. Nice to meet you. I like the skirt you are wearing in your pictures.
inactive user
sounds like you are enjoying the summer! I would love to be there right now that would be fantastic. And it would sure be better than this cold weather at the moment. I'm just busy studying for exams i have next week so i haven't really been doing much else.
inactive user
Hey, im not doing much for the summer because its winter here now :P Its pretty cold and yuk. I wish it was summer. What do you have plan for the summer?What else is new? I haven't been doing much just studying for exams in a week or so.
inactive user
Hey Jenn, Hows it going? Hope all is well. Did you go down to the lake on the weekend? I haven't been doing much just went to lunch with a friends today which was good.
inactive user
Ohhh, hey hey. So sorry to late my reply!
Well, my life is going very well. Everything!! lol Thanks for asking. And yourself?
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