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Jaaya, 36 y.o.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice


Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1724.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 12, 2012
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2011
salaaam jaaya! im fine too thanx!!! ohh thats cool. you are really planning to come to europe? thats great! you should lemme know when you're around germany! or you can even visit me and stay at my place!
meee well, im studying in 3rd semester now, still way to go though :) and i guess i won't be able coming to malaysia soon, though i would really love to...
Reply - Conversation - Oct 23, 2011
Jaaya !! apa khabar ?? we haven' talked for ages !!!!!!!!
oh my souuuuul.. what's up ?? hit me back soon !! :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 2, 2010
Learning Sanskrit? Sappu! Haha
inactive user
haha yea for the past few days i've been sleeping an average of 3hrs >< can't wait for this month to be over...
inactive user
aigh i'm dying from school >< we have 3 weeks left and everything is due within the next 2 weeks i think >< followed right after by final exams @_@ today i was at school from 7:45 am till 9:00pm T_T what a sad life....i'm kinda....almost depressed right now >< lol
inactive user
yes! I have a tourguide already hehe~ ooh maybe we'll work together one day then :P architects work with various types of engineers ^^ in my program we have to do a bit of engineering too...structural engineering ^^ i think next year we'll have some electrical stuff lol

are you almost done school for the summer? not sure how the school system works in malaysia :P
inactive user
这么久没说过中文还记得真的很厉害 ^^ 哈哈~ 我没来过马来西亚啊 :(

I'd like to one day haha What are you studying at school? I study Architecture and Building Engineering Technology :P My previous major was Visual Arts before I switched. I'm going to finish both degrees though ^^
inactive user
真的吗?很厉害啊!:P 你的中文可能比我好 XD 你应该是说普通话吧~
inactive user
Hey ^^ I'm not being rude! I'll leave a post for ya hehe~ so how good is your chinese? :P
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