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Din_nie, 27 y.o.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Bachelor's degree


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 574.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2015
oh i was in malaysia for travel, visited many places in penang, just one night in KL, a memorable trip :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 18, 2015
Hi :) i'm mint, my trip to malaysia had finished 3 months ago. Hope to comeback your country :D
inactive user
SAMA-SAMA!!! ;-)
Eh... Susah nk cakap.. Mcm.. Nak kata susah, dapat jawab.. Nak kata senang lagi la tak :'D
SPM susah? eh, kak, saya nak buat account lain.. Nanti saya message kakak bila dh buat account baru okay?? :-)
Masuk PLKN tak? xD Chances saya masuk PLKN nanti besar...haha
inactive user
Hi! Pt3 dah abis.. Spm x lama lagi... So, how are you, kak? GOOD LUCK YA!!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2014
Hi :D
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2014
Hi :D
Reply - Conversation - Jul 30, 2014
Oh, there are a hell lot of tragic things happening nowadays... And it's somehow strange how those Nuclear Lovers above my country aren't shouting TRICK OR TREATTT to us right now. :P While someone said there'll be war on September (Things are getting quite strange around Northeast Asia, as you see), I just hope nothing happens to us.

Meanwhile, I'm kinda enjoying my school break, even tho it mainly is composed of studying! But I can also understand how it is there, as Korea had a ship accident and lost more than a hundred children(Who were only two years older than me!) and people has been so depressed for a few months. Many schools even cancelled their field trips!

Anyway, while it seems that I've been soooooo pessimistic all around, I wish you have(had) a good time!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 21, 2014
Ew, it seems that I've not been on-line for so long. My school blocks and it's so hard to get here without hacking into network with VPN. :(
My grades are generally low, but I'm now kinda happy cause vacation starts soon here. XD
Anything special happening there?
inactive user
Senang.. sangat. xD Hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA :''''''''D HAHAH
Trial?! SPM bila? :/
Sekolah akak ada program pertukaran budaya eh.. Sekolah saya sangat 'sucks' xD
Cerita sikit pasal program tu! :D
Khusus atau kursus? xD
Ya? Jadi saya takde kerja khusus YAY! :D
Mestilah guna mesin.. xD
Susah? :c Kakak ambil Biology jugak?
siapa dulu yang hantar? :D
inactive user
Takkan ade profit dorang tu :P biar jer le.
Selfish takde dash yer :D huee
(speaking bhsa melayu hehe)
Kak, snail mail nak? :D
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