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Albert, 37 y.o.
Taiwan, Taiwan [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 453.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 15, 2013
Thanks for your reply. :))) How are you then??
Reply - Conversation - Oct 12, 2013
Helloooooo!! ^^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2013
How are things going in Taiwan? ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2013
My pleasure. ^^

How is everything going on at your end of the world?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 9, 2013

Thanks for stopping by my profile.

How are you doing? How are things going on in your country?
inactive user
hi~~~ sorry sorry long time no reply XD I've been real busy >< I got accepted into a pretty big art show :D and I also am starting 2 part-time jobs soon!!!! and lots of volunteering stuff, and of course still have school hehe

how are you??
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7, 2012
thank you for your comment!
inactive user
哎呀! 好久没有大中文了 XD 慢慢地都读的通 哈哈~
还有两间吗? 祝你考得很好! 加油啊!昨天教了一大班小朋友怎么作一个Hummingbird hat :) 他们真的太可爱了 哈哈

I have to think a long time to type in chinese too! haha because I have to think about how to say it in pinyin >< some words I only know the cantonese for so it's hard! I will improve though :P I've just been busy with other stuff so my language study is put on hold. :)
inactive user
Yea the experience will be inspiration for me in life and art :) I'm excited to hear the stories the grandpas and grandmas will tell me! haha

Hmm haven't heard of Temple Fair...I don't really can see dead people? mean like a memorial?

wow haha maybe don't go on a diet~ just exercise more :3
inactive user
Yep~ I will be volunteer arts and crafts assistant at the nursing home :) I am really excited :) but they are all very old and don't have very much longer to live so I will be sad if I get to know them and they pass away :( but I think it's meaningful to share what I'm good at to help them be creative and enjoy their time. I'll cherish the happy memories and be proud that I did what I can to make them smile and happy :)

Thanks! haha yep Dino & Panda are my original characters in most of my artwork~~~~
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