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Felippe, 39 y.o.
Nilópolis, Brazil [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 49.
inactive user
What kind of music do you all play?:)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 14, 2011
A website that I post my photos on is:

I am from the Ukraine, and my family's Russian, so that's how I know it fluently.
inactive user
morei no rio de janeiro 2 meses em 2008
inactive user
eu me formei em portugues e letras da universidade da florida. me interessei em portugues e a cultura brasileira por causa de capoeira, que joguei ha 4.5 anos...
Reply - Conversation - Jul 14, 2011
Hello :] Thanks for the compliments and it's nice to meet you. I like that you specified that you speak Portuguese because you're from Brazil. It's funny how so many don't get that.
inactive user
nao. sou dos EUA
inactive user
ı have to go :S talk later ^^
inactive user
yea.. why not ^^
ı have all them..
[email protected] search in facebook add me :P :D
[email protected] my msn ^^
inactive user
yea..ı remember him, at confederation cup, Daniel, scored a very good, and thus won the match.. and you received the trophy :D
its true, roberto carlos is at fenerbahçe, even ı am fenerbahçe :D
roberto is in perfume ads, now :)
^^ i know micky mouse :) is true ^^
inactive user
ooh thank u ^^ ı' d love you to come to turkey
(especially istanbul ^^ ) yea ı have heard rio many times :)
ı guess, is famous for its carnival.. ^^ ı wonder it :D
emm.. Brazil is mentioned, as the players come to mind first :)
daniel alves <3
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