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Rafael, 37 y.o.
Wrocław, Poland [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 83.
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
hallo,wie gehts bei dir?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2011
Hey! ;)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 20, 2010
Ow geef niet :-)
Leuk dat je in nederland was :-) Hoe vond je het? wat studeer je dan? Zelf ben ik nog een (high school girl) dus ik studeer nog niet! Ik woon in Nederland (Utrecht) Ik vind zelf Utrecht de best maar dat komt dat ik daar geboren bent :-)
inactive user
haha 안녕 :)Hello:_)
inactive user
London is my favorite city .. I love England and the brits :) which is your favorite country?
inactive user
No .. not this year =( but often I fly to London =)
inactive user
I'm good too =) on weekend I celebrated my birthday :) .. the weather here is sometimes good and sometimes bad =( what about you?
inactive user
Hey =) How are you??
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2008
I love that movie. A walk to remember. And that beach too on one of your pictures. That was awesomely cool.. Would love to go there.
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