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Judy, 33 y.o.
Mercersburg, United States [Current City]

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Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 504.
Reply - Conversation - May 22, 2010
Oh no worries, neither am I apparently, I have so much work to do during my semester that I'd rather not spend time on interpals...
Really? Oh well, September is soon, I have been quite busy with finals and stuff, but now everything is done... sigh... I have met so many new people out here and so many have left back to their country...
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2010
hey,where are you? miss you so much..
Reply - Conversation - Jan 2, 2010
Yeah, I did well in that exam. Unfortunately the final exam I did a bit worse. Oh well... I hope to improve on my studies with the previous course in the back of my mind. Oh no worries, I haven't been online that often either.

Haha, nice^^ That is cool! So how has the uni been so far?
Happy new year!
inactive user
helloooooooo, :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2009
Oh yeah, studying for exams or tests is quote tedious, right after my one week break I will have another exam and I didn’t do so well in the first one, so I have to do well now or else I might not get good results.

Yeah, I hope so too! I hope I will do good in this exam too! I have been studying really hard and right now I am going to study the powerpoints the teacher has sent us.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 26, 2009
Oh okay, it is quite sucky though. The exams her are also organised by the gouvernment (indirectly) but the schools are obliged to give them. It is not that you go to some independent institution who gives them. Okay, for those who failed them and who have to redo it, they might have to get that from an independent institution, but other than that it is all organised by the gouvernment.

Yeah, well, I guess that the payment you make is to deter you from failing it in the first place as hyou'd have to pay again if you fail. So how did you do? Or didn't you do it yet?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2009
Hmm, that indeed sounds rather sucky, so what you are trying to say is that these tests are private tests? I mean, they are not organised by some school, they are organised by a private institution? Cannot you do these tests at school? Or something that gives the same results?
Here in NL all the tests you need to take are firstly given at school. If you fail these, you have the option of doing VAVO (education for students who are adults now) but those tests are also organised by private institution.

That kind of sucks, I hope that you will get better results in the other tests though.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2009
Whua... you have to pay for these tests separately? That kind of sucks... I mean, is it also like paying for each piece of paper? That would definitely suck out here if that is the case.
But still, 5 hours is really long! What kind of test was it?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2009
Whoa... but aren't you liek dead or finished after 3 hours? I mean, I cannot imagine that you go on for 5 hours straight... No breaks at all or something?
Oh yeah, you shouldn't do an exam if you are sick or something. That will just result in more stress and worsening of your condition.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2009
Whua... I had every day about 3 hours per test. That was pretty heavy, but to hear that you have 5 hours :O That is like torture. Yeah okay, here you can have about 6 hours test if you have two exams on one day.
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