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Justine, 30 y.o.
Lille, France [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 48.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2013
m also busy.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2013
hi justine! nice to meet you ^^~~
inactive user
Seem that you're quite busy. >< Is that HORRIBLE? How is your new school? Yeah thank you and I'm great. Wish you good back! ^^
I think the pace of my life is in disorder. It gets busy; it gets idle; it gets tired again! Since it's winter holiday now, I almost don't get up until 12:00 every day though the alarm clock is set at 8:00. *Low Spirits* o_O Who can help me out!? :(
Oh no the college entrance only depends on the result of exam. So you have only one chance or you can just return high school and retake the exam after 1 year. It's cruel, isn't? But we all have accepted it. T_T
I still don't understand your restudy system. Anyway good luck!
Yeah we really don't like getting tanned esp. the female. Sun cream is essential stuff in Summer. We do want to have a fair skin. Is it weird? LOL
Actually I have completely given up my weight loss program. Fat?! Who cares!!! o_O There are many young who enjoy celebrating Christmas but I don't think they really get the meaning of Christmas. Maybe they just want to follow trends or not. :P The Spring Festival is our most traditional one. During this time, children will get red envelopes with money in it. And firework, lanterns, gala, dumplings... Blah blah... I quite enjoy the atmosphere! XD
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2013
inactive user
Hiya! :D
When is the opening date of your school term in Sep? I will register in 6th September. :)
Ah I see. It only depends on the result of the college entrance examination in China. So we only got one chance. :( It's cruel indeed! Or you can choose to restudy. Damn it! Who want to do it again ah?! TT
That's OK! You can ask me whenever you remember. ^^
Haha, no, I never heard of that myth. If you want to show your politeness, just pay the host compliments. xD
Actually I hate summer really. I can't stand the sunlight exposure. Hell, this summer tan my skin a lot! :'(
How is your weight loss program? Have you lost some weight? I'm embarassed to say I didn't carry on my plan at all. Aw! I always said I would carry on my plan tomorrow every time before eating a great meal blah...blah... So um... TT
Wait! I just saw you was hardly online. Do you have skype or something? :)))
inactive user
lolz.. for me.. its full of enjoyment! :D ..
yeah im fine... about ya? :) .. im just chatting and playing some games. :P :P .. what about you? :) ..
ohh.. sounds a good vacations for you :) .. i hope you are enjoying to is best :) .. last week of my vacations :D .. from 27th university gonna start again :/ .... damn.. have to wake up at 6 :/ ...
lolz.. i bet you gonna look at those pics soon :D ...or maybe some pics of Miami! :D ....
nup.. im not exaggerating at all :D .. im not at all familiar with cold climate :D ..
inactive user
Hiya! :D
Oh, congratulations on your being graduated from high school! ^^ You said you passed with 80% upwards, that is, you can enter a good college, right? Aw, one more question: Are the results the sole criteria determining college placement in your place?
Hah, I see. You seem to hate winter really. :)
Yeah, thanks! I've got the admission notice and it's the colleg but not the major I want. :( Luckily, I knew we students could change majors during a fixed period, hoping I will have this kind of chance.
By the way, I just came back from my so-called solo journey. *LOL* I am feeling really tired right away but it was a nice trip. XD Basically I went shopping there, ate seafood and went to the seaside... Like these... I’m afraid I’m gaining weight again. TT It's time to lose weight!!! :'(
inactive user
lolz.. 2 months only??? you know i have my vacations for 3 months :D :D.. lolz.. yeah . 5 years. :) im in Economics university :) ..
ohh.. great.. rock the party!! :D u have any plans for going to beach during ur vacation?? :D ...
lolz.. you must be multi billionaire... to buy soo many houses in US!! :D lolz...
i bet you will look it.. and won't show your jealousy!! :D ....the beaches there were soo damn cool and pleasant.. specially at night :D ... yeah.. i plan to visit only during summer :D .. or else i would freeze to death :D
inactive user
Hi, again! ^^
Oh, congratulations to you on have finished your exams! Hope your summer holiday will be not too hot! Well, I've had my results already, which are neither good nor bad. Now I'm waiting for the college-admission notice. Hope I can be admitted by the college I'm always dreaming of.
Yeah! Of course it will be sunny. But I'm afraid I will tan easily. So sun cream is necessary I guess. By the way, this week I will go to visit HongKong and Macao on my own. I'm not a good traveller though so hopefully I'll be okay! xD
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2012
its been so long XD
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