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Mbersoh Clement numfor, 46 y.o.
Buea, Cameroon [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
inactive user
Hi, things are fine, thanks for asking. It's sowing again here. Have a good night.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 6, 2011
Hi there!
im fine..thanks!
how are you doin' there?
take care....
Reply - Conversation - Jan 27, 2011
hi, hows life going on?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 27, 2011
Hi Mbersoh!
I am well, thank you for visiting my page.
How are things in Cameroon? Weather is hot here today! Nice summer weather, not so nice for working in!
inactive user
Hi, other tha a pesky migraine, I'm fine. It's the air in this building, I'm certain. I stay inside a day or so and get a bad headache, at least. Going out in -14 this afternoon, should improve :)
inactive user
Sounds a little like here - only more hidden - has to look like everybody's doing something for the environment...
Reply - Conversation - Jan 22, 2011
Bonjour. Comment allez-vous ? Je fais bien. J'attends le temps plus chaud impatiemment. C'était une tripotée 12 degrés ferinheit aujourd'hui. Parlez-vous bientôt.
inactive user
I have heard about that. Is there an organized effort to stop the deforestation or replace what's been lost (even though it takes many years)?
inactive user
I have heard of the project, but know very little about it. I live in eastern (Atlantic) Canada.Most of the talk here is sustainability of the primary industries of fishing, farming and reducing greenhouse emissions. The ozone layer over us has been depleted to dangerous level (as in many parts of the world). We are advised not to spend more than 10 min. in the sun without 45 sunblock. I know there are many green projects here, but you might be better to speak to someone from Ontario about the Green Belt project. I can help some with a few of your other questions. Remember, Canada is very diverse, so there is no one predominant philosophy in anyting.
inactive user
Hi, what kind of 'info' are you looking for? Mine is on my profile, there's really not much else that I care to share with people. If you mean in general, about Canada, etc., fine.
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