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Chris, 39 y.o.
Madison, United States [Current City]



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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 2 of 2.
inactive user
Hello! Nice to meet you too ^_^
I studied 2D and 3D animation both but almost made 3D animations. I used MAYA program for 3D and my hands for 2D. =D I used to think If I join Pixar kk but I realized I have a talent to make create new characters by hands. so, I changed my mind to be a fency desinger.
I watched your video now and my cat woke up suddenly and He concentrate on the music with funny face. lol maybe He likes your video. =D
I really love 'radioactive' of imagine dragon. Have you ever played this song?
inactive user
hello. thank you for your comment.
hmm i like both color of beer!!
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