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Gabriel dasilva, 52 y.o.
Tabou, Ivory Coast [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 2 of 2.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2012
As previously explained, in the materialistic state of consciousness one thinks, “I am an American or Russian, Catholic or Protestant, white or black. I am loyal to my country and countrymen. I work for my homeland. Everyone else is different.” This type of consciousness is established in the individual to the degree to which he or she i
s in the bodily concept of life. The bodily concept of life, thinking one is the body, means to focus on these designations. But real life, seeing beyond the illusion that we are only bodies, is to be without designations. When we realize that we are all spiritual beings, that our souls are all the same in nature, character, quality and identity, then we will begin reaching a level of reality. This is the only way there can be any real unity between us all.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2012
God does not favor one sect or religion over another, but monitor’s one’s sincerity, devotion, surrender, and willingness to help and love others. And God reciprocates with one to the same degree of his or her devotion and sincerity. God is not the kind of being who favors only one sect and allows all others to be damned. Everyone is a part of God, otherwise they would not be here, and He cares for all.
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