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Amanda, 32 y.o.
Thousand Oaks, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 515.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2011
Hey what's up? Miss you a lot
Reply - Conversation - Aug 7, 2010
I miss you too my lovely friend :-) Love youuuuuuuu!
inactive user
hey amanda ~~ xDD
hows it going ???

im Dave ~
inactive user
inactive user
Hellllooooo :) I think I've spoken to you once before.

And will be coming to Canada and the US next year! I am so excited! How is your "winter" going ;)
inactive user
well hello there my fellow californian! hows it going? I have to say, i think i meet your "request" requirements :P
Reply - Conversation - Jul 14, 2009
I LOVE TWILIGHT TOO! I know this is really delayed but yay!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2009
Hey nice to meet you too =)

I don't really live in Paris, but i can be there in 15mn by train^^ And my university was there.

So what do you love in French language and culture? ^^
inactive user
hey are you out of school right now?
i've heard that most h-schools are done right now.
inactive user
helloooo sexy blonde it´s a joke jejeje I would like talk to you because you likes me jejeje well if you want talk with me just writte on my wall xD
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