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Bianconero77, 47 y.o.
Rome, Italy [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 365.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 2, 2014
Around here a gypsy basically refers to someone who doesn't sit still, moves around a lot. I realize it means something different there (:
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2010
Hi there , i am doing fine here in Lebanon . How are things in rome ?
inactive user
hi there,
i would like very much to go to italy. untill then i waould like very much to learn about the country and the language (which i need a hel p with)
i would be glad to help you with the arabic :)
inactive user
io sto bene.grazie ^^
I just know a little italiano
am learning it now ^^ thru youtube & a friend here in interpals
inactive user
hahaha =D
Ciaooo from Doha lolZ
Come stai?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2010
Hi there again! I'm sorry, I forgot to ask your name... is it bianconero? :)
Oh YES...traveling IS amazing! You know, how crazy is this... I actually have a LIST of 50 countries that I want to visit before my 50th birthday... can you believe it? =D I don't know if I'll get to do it, but I'm going to really try! =)
I speak English and spanish fluently. I'm trying to learn portuguese, but I'm far from being fluent there. =/
What about you? What else do you do in life?
Right now I have to go because I'm going to go running... take care! Hope to hear from you... =)
Best regards, ABBY
Reply - Conversation - Jun 9, 2010
Hi there... =) I share your passion for travel... I just love it! I was in Rome in 2007 and loved the city... especially the Colisseum...and I see you have a pic of it here! :) I'm Abby, from USA.
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2010

Así es, no sabe uno ya ni que ropa ponerse, jaja

Tu por si acaso traete en un lado de la maleta el abrigo polar y en otro la crema y el bañador, jaja

Vienes a Malaga por vacaciones o por trabajo?
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2010

Pues no se que decirte eh.... jajaja

Naa, no creo, pero hoy esta realmente loco, en un momento hace calor para morir y al rato cae una tromba de agua ¬¬

Pero no te preocupes, dijeron que solo duraba un par de días, de aqui a tres semanas creo que en vez de paraguas mejor te traes crema solar, jajaja
inactive user
hi how are you i m hadjer
nice to hear from you
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