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Art_of_mirrors, 43 y.o.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Flirting and romance


Graduate degree

Relationship status


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 179.
inactive user
23 Burroughs was right about the virus.
inactive user
Oh gawd, you have one of the most interesting profiles here on Interpals. I will come back for your lists.
inactive user
hello friend. silent for a long long time....
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2012
If I appear in Rio by Christmas - will you meet me at the airport?

Changes, changes, let's see how your profile will look changed.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2012
inactive user
Pfft I will still go to warehouses... though I have not been to one in awhile... it is a pubic (yes pubic ha) holiday today... perhaps a good day for it... I am not so good at "resting up" I don't even really know what that entails... doing nothing can be painful and depressing... perhaps I should draw... I have not done that in a long while.

hmmmm "selfharshly intriguely revealing" in a good way? Bad way? In-between way? Productive way perhaps?

Ha.. this 1st track is very... well it would be too obvious to say 'French' yes? haha he sounds as though he is very passionate about something.

Haha and the other... funky.. ? hahah I can safely say I would have never listened to this had you not sent it... not quite fitting for the promenade maybe the faux 80s club..

hmmm well this is now dependent upon whether I can work enough to save... hopefully so... but ARGHHHH I don't know... I am walking blindly... directionless into the distance... as per usual... I was thinking maybe to the US and down into SA maybe.. maybemaybebaybee.

this will always make me teary haha
inactive user
yes fecal matter is fine... intercourse on the other hand... vulgar.

I was just climbing! It was a tree of the non fruit variety.. the bit of branch I was holding on to broke... it didn't seem brittle... it was. I have the culprit sitting near me now... BASTARD! Not paralyzed... so that's good... but... yeah some sorta sprain/strain that will take a while to heal DAMMIT! Worst timing... just started saving to travel, working 2 jobs... not sure how this will be effected... not really thinking about it... only thinking about Jesus' glistening body spread out before me... what? **** did I just say that?

How was France? Did you listen to this in hopeless desperation whilst walking the promenade in the dead cold of night? Ha
inactive user
Sisters howl at the moon together! They're doing it for themselves!

Also... I fell backwards from a tree on to bricks... and ****** up my back. PITY ME!
inactive user
Oh hai!! You be my sister yah?
inactive user
Nice status you got there :)
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