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Aleksandra, 30 y.o.
Bielsko-Biala, Poland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
inactive user
Hi Ola! I'm sleeping all the time ;) And 2 minutes after my last maturity exam (Latin!) I twisted metatarsal... ;( And how's your holidays? ;))
inactive user
Hi, hi! Hugs from my little village! ;) Nappy New Year! ;*
inactive user
Photo with Robbie Williams - for 2 months in London! ;DD
Reply - Conversation - Dec 4, 2011
Hi, i'am a new member and i don't know anyone here. I'd like to improve my english and learn a little bit of other languages. Can we become penfriends?
inactive user
Ola, Ola, Ola! <3333333
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2011
yeah, He is handsome! and I like his voice:)

actually, I don't want to do any activities in summer because it's hot!
and in winter because it's cold!:)
and..only sport which I do is skiing isn't everyday sports(T_T)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2011
I heard "She's the one" thank to you! It is so good and other songs too:) Il downloaded his songs already:D
I like "Firework"and"Not Like The Movie" especially of Katy Perry's song.
I saw your cat! She looks so sharp!
and I didn't know there is cat dachshund,either! I knew only the dog.
In my freetime, I usually....I think I don't any activities haha:)
In fact, I books or listening music or jogging...etc
How about you?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2011
Poszukaj koniecznie! Ja naprawdę przegrzebałam kiedyś Internet, wpisywałam najróżniejsze rzeczy (typu: "ausflug deutschland april 2011 paris hotel angleterre"), ale nic nie znalazłam. Myślałam, że może ktoś z nich wspomniał o tym na jakimś forum lub blogu, ale nic! A gdy już, już miałam nadzieję, że to jet TO, okazywało się, że jednak nie.
Przez chwilę myślałam, że to Hans: :( No nic, szukajmy dalej! :)
Zdjęcie? Moje? Dziękuję, ale wyszłam na nim zupełnie do siebie niepodobna!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2011
I haven't heard about Robbie Williams.
Could you recommend some of his songs?
My favorite singer is....Katy Perry:)
I don't have any pet(T_T)
Cause my parents hate all I would breed when I live alone:)
do you have a cat? what kind of?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 2, 2011
A Hans?!?!
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