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_QWERQ, 30 y.o.
Les Ponts-de-Cé, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 340.
inactive user
that's great!! ^^ haha. you're liking it so far?
inactive user
Haha! You are learning 3 languages basically at the same time xD that's nice though! How do you like it so far?
inactive user
sorry for late reply -_- i've been absorbed in the college life ...

France! Are you there yet?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2013
Oh c'est super !
Moi j'étais en Corée seulement 4 ou 5 mois. C'est trop court ... :(
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2013
Oui je connais. tu y vas combien de temps ? C'est pour tes études ?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2013
Bonjour ! C'est vrai ? Où en France ?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2013
Hey! Is your name Shin? I had a Japanese friend called Shin. How are you? And how is life in Korea at the moment! Hope to visit that place sometime soon! :D And how is it being vegan in Korea? In Norway, it's terribly difficult, I think.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2013
Yep, just been accepted today to study it at university this year :)

I really like Italian, but I just want to learn another language!!
inactive user
please do! tell me all about your adventure :D
inactive user
FUN!! you will live with host family?

Hang out with friends before i leave to college~ we are all going separate ways :/
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