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Hugo, 28 y.o.
Osaka, Japan [Current City]
Eaubonne, France [Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
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In a relationship

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2016
\o/ Yosh!
RNG-sama il m'aime pas trop :'(
J'ai pas réussi à faire le E-3 du dernier event en last dance :'( (et j'ai pas eu Prinz Q_Q)
Ca à été pour toi l'event? :3
Reply - Conversation - Jan 22, 2016
salut :) comment ca va? je m'appelle Melisa. je suis de Indonesie :) i took french class few years ago but i absolutely not good at it so im sorry bout my french >.< its nice to meet you :3 i love anime too!! haha never too old to love anime eh :D
Reply - Conversation - Oct 19, 2015
inactive user
Only with a cake? Oh please, you noob. You cant feed your stomach with only the cake, thats a sin. What about other lovely foods? Noodles, whipped cream, my mom's pudding, oh come on. You got the point but well i prefer hippos. Maybe unicorns are fab, maybe unicorns are pink, maybe unicorns are maybe of corn. but you know what they dont have? FLUFFY BELLY OF HIPPO.
inactive user
And big stomach is also a good quality. more food goes into you xD and its even better because when you eat and eat so much you become a ball, you can roll everywhere. and dont even need a car licence
inactive user
My description and i will take it as a compliement xD
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2015
thank you for visiting :)
greeting from Japan.
inactive user
meuh non, la petite lumière rose j'kiff haha, ça fait un effet tamisé toussa! haha par contre la sonnette j'm'en rappelle pas :x
inactive user
frenchement normalement je fais partie de la team RER, mais la ligne H, rien à dire, en plus j'aime trop les lumières qui ressortent, on dirait un club t'sais haha
inactive user
woh, ta photo me fait penser à la ligne h ahaha
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