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Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 532.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2020
inactive user
hey, I'm okay, and how are you doing?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2013
hoi dudette im fine)
inactive user
Happy bday!
inactive user
I think my mom would kill me if she'd find I have Wiccan books. Once, out of curiosity, I translated "The Book of Satan" and showed to a classmate. My mom found it and burned it and gave me a biiig speech about how wrong it was and bla bla bla.
I'm sure he is sis :D
Dude, make sure you invite me too! :D I know my parents would never agree to a gothic wedding, like the one you showed me.
Aww, you're also awesome xD And I love you too ♥
inactive user
The boy was soo cute and adorable, but the husbant was amazing looking *drools again*. I hated that chick. The dude made a mistake, jesus woman, get over it! Oh and that maid was ... damn dude, if I'd look like her, I'd stare in the window every day lol
Yeah, books are so cheap there. Here I gotta translate and make a ton of essays to get the money to buy SK *sigh*
That's one of the main reasons I wanna get to the US, just so I can buy a ton of books lol
Ooh talking with your boyfriend? :D
inactive user
I sure hope they'll make a second season, the story is way too awesome! :D
inactive user
Haha, the book you sent me is from a series of 7 volumes called "The Dark Tower". There are 7 volumes, and your book is the 7th volume. Maybe that's why you didn't understand much from it? The publishing house that translates SK here translated only 4 volumes, so I have to wait or somehow buy volumes 5 and 6 before I can read yours :D

Aww that's so nice :) I suck at drawing. The people that I draw look like very skinny retarded aliens xD

I frickin ADORE that show! The husbant is so damn hot *drools* haha :D
inactive user
Btw, I watched American Horror Story and I love it! Do you know anything about the second season? I can't wait to see it <3 :)
inactive user
I just got your gift today!
You are totally and absolutely AWESOME!! ♥
I ****** love the book! I have the first 4 volumes of SK's "The Dark Tower" series, so I'll have to find volumes 5 and 6 first and then I'll read it. You have no idea how much I love this series ♥ I'm falling for the main character haha :D

Once again, thank you SO much for it and I love love love love you <3333
I'll go to a new gift shop they opened a few weeks ago to find something cool to send ya back <3

I love ya so much ♥ And I can't wait to shake your hand, give you a BIG hug and say thanks <3

One more thing, your drawing is wicked and I'll put it on my wall <3
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