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Lan, 27 y.o.
Xi’an, China [Current City]


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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 91.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 16, 2014
You are not going to believe it, but I also just wiped my phone clear of all memory as well. I was trying to download ios 7 and something went wrong. Therefore, I have now lost my weechat password and number :( My physics class right now is really hard. On the bright side, I am in Chinese Club and an acting club which started this week, and they have been really fun! I am slowly getting better at cooking. By the way, do you know what Nutella is? I love it!!! I just bought this huge container.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 7, 2014
It's so good to hear from you!!!! I am so happy to hear that you are doing so well :) Yi Wa is wonderful, but not so independent as you are. Her English is amazing, but I have to help her with some schoolwork things. I have been having a lot of fun lately, and I really enjoy the autumn here. The summer was really cool this year, not so hot as when you were here. Omg it is so cool that you have a boyfriend! That must be so exciting, I am still rocking the single life. Taylor and her boyfriend are still together, but they have a weird relationship. She likes other people. I don't know. I think being a chef would be so cool! I am super bad at cooking, and Eva (that's Yi Wa but she wants us to call her Eva) can't cook a single meal. So far I have taught her to cook instant noodles because I myself cannot cook much. She also likes spicy food, ugh, I cannot stand spicy food. She loves Kpop and Exo is her favorite band. As for me, I had to quit the cross country team because my asthma was making it so hard for me to breathe. But I still run on my own. I'm a little sad, but this means I can do more things with acting, so I am happy as well. I think I will also try to get a job soon, I'm really excited about that. Teressa went off to college, but I guess that you didn't really know her. Do you have a WeeChat? Then I can send you pictures of Eva. Or if you have an instagram I would love to follow you! I hope you can come to the United States, that would be amazing. In the mean time, I am glad that it sounds like you are enjoying New Zealand!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2014
Aww, well thank you. We miss you so much too! Mr. Chris, Mrs. Francy, Mark, and Katy Anne all say hello. By the way, August 13 we will be getting a Chinese girl name Yi Wa who will stay with us for a year, but that doesn't mean we will love you any less!! We really hope you can come to the United States as soon as possible. And I might have asked this before, so I'm sorry if I forgot, but what career do you want to go into?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 22, 2014
Really? That is so cool!!! Do you have a host family?
inactive user
Hey! That's awesome, glad you are enjoying your stay so far :D
inactive user
Hey! No way? Are you having fun? Have you got a facebook?
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2014
I know, maybe I can convince my mom to let me have one
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2014
aw wwwwwwhhat? >.< damn i was just up there on that exact date >.< :\ but i was quite busy up there aw
how did you find it? :)
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2014
Ah I was trying to answer your message and I accidentally deleted it :( unfortunately I'm am not allowed to have a facebook
Reply - Conversation - May 8, 2014
No, sorry :( and sorry for replying late, I haven't gotten on interpals in a while. Good luck with your school, I am really excited because I will be done with my school soon and start summer vacation. I really need the break, but I have to get through finals first. In about two weeks all my main projects and tests will be over, and then I will have maybe a week or two left in school after that.
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