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XxDeLiLaHxX, 29 y.o.
Blacksburg, United States [Current City]



Looking for


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 176.
inactive user
hey, what's up?
inactive user
me too thanks
what did u do today?
inactive user
Aww okay hehe
So.. how r u today?
inactive user
Umm no ^^

inactive user
It was funny lol
Did you dress up?
inactive user
Hey Delilah
I'm good too ^^

How was ur halloween?
inactive user
Heii ^^

Nice to meet u
I'm Noemi ~
How r u?
inactive user

Reply - Conversation - Oct 12, 2008
This is good
I hope to be happy with him....
Why do in the internet .. ?
Do you just search for friends ??
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2008
oky this good ...
how are you to day ?
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