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Sea, 28 y.o.
Chengdu, China [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 177.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2014
damn right i love bmx haha
thanks your pretty cute yourself!
inactive user
received it today sister *^*
I loveeeee it! and I love you! <333
I miss you a lot too ;__; I'm so busy with school :/ what about you? :3
inactive user
Awhhh sister <333 We will never lose each other, I don't wanna lose you too :33
I am sooooooo happy that you received my letter! I love you too and I miss you a lot <3
Lately Im so busy because school started and I have a lot of new subjects to study ;___; But I hope I'll be less busy soon to come back on interpals and talk to you <33
Love xxx
inactive user
hahahahahah I hope that xDD I really need to lose weight ahaha
Awh I miss you too ;w; <3333333
did you receive my letter?? ^__^
inactive user
Sure I love it, it's so cute, just awesome!!! I was so happy!!! *^*
inactive user
Awhh you too!! <333
inactive user
I miss you too sister ;W; <33 how are you?
inactive user
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