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Aldo, 35 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 96.
inactive user
summer vacation is coming :D
i'm very happy~
but i have to take exam one more tomorrow.

how are you? how have you been?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2010
Sure man sounds fun lemme know :d
inactive user
no,i'll do home stay.go to US for studying. i want to go to US again next year for a year.
inactive user
i'll go to america on Feb 7th.i stay only a month.
inactive user
thank you for passing :)
inactive user
thank you ! i need your help^^
i have to improve my english.
how long do you study japanese?
inactive user
Oh;)sometimes I always doing stupid things......HAHA
and I just percive what interpals changed wall
"reply"<- gone away:( poor reply...XD

Nice to meet you tooXD
HAHA Thanks:) Me cute? OMG That's kidding right?
inactive user
your message delated my wall.........
I want to cilck "reply" but I cilck to "delete"
I'm very stupid girl.......:(
really Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm Hansol:D and Thanks visit my wall
but I think my English isn't good......:(
I need more practice HAHAHA
inactive user
Hi, Nice to meet you :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2009


Nice to meet U ^^
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