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Thomas, 32 y.o.
Poznań, Poland [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 144.
inactive user
tom ! long time no see !
how have you been there?
inactive user
It's really nice that you went travel..ㅠㅠ
My school is not in vacation time so I just going school.
Do you have internet-cafe???
inactive user
Are you still busy about schoo??
You haven't contact me since Jun..
Is there something happened to you??
Take care :D
inactive user
oh tom. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng time no see :D

now I'm come back ! haha cause, I'm finished 1 semester exam kk

anyway how are you? >_<

inactive user
No:)That's ok. I'm also busy because my final exam will be start on 2nd,July. You already had summer holidays?? When is it end?
It's so nice of you that you went beach!! How was it???
In Korea, it's rainig outside.. It makes me so tired :(
I don't have any vacation plans yet but I'll make it :D
I'll let you know when I decide it :)
Bye ^^ see you
inactive user
thats cool! ok!
I will be expecting it
inactive user
haha thats cool:)
yup! i have summer vacation too so happy:)
woW :) thats good to hear! i want see a sea!:D
i can see your pic is your travel?:) i hopE ><
inactive user
tom.. missed you:(
inactive user
HI^^ I'm sorry that I haven't been here lately.
I have a final exam soon, so I'm busyㅠㅠ
Did you go for a walk near river?? I'm envy you.
We don't have any river around my home...too sad.
I think summer of Korea is more hotter than your's..
I don't know but..I think so:)
inactive user
hi tom!!><
how are you today? my reply is late always..:( sorry
today is my birthday! so im happy:)
and i will do convenience store part-time job!
I go to convenience store 3 days later! hehe cool><
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