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Hey dude,
I dreamt about Octopus \o
I was in house, I would like some fruice sirup for water, and my mother say “ We don’t have it anymore, BUT I have Octopus Sirup, “ with a BIIIIIIIIIIG bottle of this.
I was chocked, seriously /o/ the Octopus came after me in my dream!
I dreamt about Octopus \o
I was in house, I would like some fruice sirup for water, and my mother say “ We don’t have it anymore, BUT I have Octopus Sirup, “ with a BIIIIIIIIIIG bottle of this.
I was chocked, seriously /o/ the Octopus came after me in my dream!
No it’s ok, I don’t really care if you make a mistake, it’s just for you ^_^
Ah ah, you couldn’t say rosé wine, because it is just “ rosé “
There are three different wine,
- white wine, perfect for appetizers or dessert!
- Red wine, perfect for everything, as you said, BBQ, pasta, beef ( my favorite red wine + beef héhééééé )
- Rosé, perfect for… nothing? It is different as taste, I prefer the others wine because I vomited, I drunk too much rosé + grapefruit syrup
And, just in you in me, I don’t really like rosé, because… my family name is Rozé ;_; same pronunciation…
I think french adult prefer better alcool like wine, but teen and young adult… they don’t really know what it is good… especially where people have close mind.
Really, u have french student in ur univ? It’s your friend?
I like liqueur, it’s good, like a digestive ( after dessert, when u cant digest \o/ ) my grand mother make some quince liqueur, perfect for sleep lol !
I never taste japanese beer, or others, I can’t wait to drink in Japan!
What is your living town? And what is the nearest close city from your?
Because, I can’t remember every name of city and I have no sense of direction, so I get lost easily ~~ It’s why, discover a new country will be a big adventure ahah!
So yes, if we are still in touch, I will be glad if u could recommend me Ramen restaurant!
French people like Japanese anime, not at all, but lot of my friend!
I ust start One piece…
But my favourite are Naruto ( since I’m a little girl, I watch Naruto ~ ), Darker than black, Air tv, Pandora heart… lot of anime.
It’s cool, it’s one famous way to discover Japan culture.
Akiba is an anime? I will see on internet, thx u a lot !
Ah, I see, it is really different from your country, so it’s necessarily interesting.
I think it is the same thing for us, we are really interesting in other country, sometimes, lot of people want go to USA, or ASIA
Ah ah, you couldn’t say rosé wine, because it is just “ rosé “
There are three different wine,
- white wine, perfect for appetizers or dessert!
- Red wine, perfect for everything, as you said, BBQ, pasta, beef ( my favorite red wine + beef héhééééé )
- Rosé, perfect for… nothing? It is different as taste, I prefer the others wine because I vomited, I drunk too much rosé + grapefruit syrup
And, just in you in me, I don’t really like rosé, because… my family name is Rozé ;_; same pronunciation…
I think french adult prefer better alcool like wine, but teen and young adult… they don’t really know what it is good… especially where people have close mind.
Really, u have french student in ur univ? It’s your friend?
I like liqueur, it’s good, like a digestive ( after dessert, when u cant digest \o/ ) my grand mother make some quince liqueur, perfect for sleep lol !
I never taste japanese beer, or others, I can’t wait to drink in Japan!
What is your living town? And what is the nearest close city from your?
Because, I can’t remember every name of city and I have no sense of direction, so I get lost easily ~~ It’s why, discover a new country will be a big adventure ahah!
So yes, if we are still in touch, I will be glad if u could recommend me Ramen restaurant!
French people like Japanese anime, not at all, but lot of my friend!
I ust start One piece…
But my favourite are Naruto ( since I’m a little girl, I watch Naruto ~ ), Darker than black, Air tv, Pandora heart… lot of anime.
It’s cool, it’s one famous way to discover Japan culture.
Akiba is an anime? I will see on internet, thx u a lot !
Ah, I see, it is really different from your country, so it’s necessarily interesting.
I think it is the same thing for us, we are really interesting in other country, sometimes, lot of people want go to USA, or ASIA
Oh, I’m happy for you ~~ it’s not easy to visit a country.
And of course, time is always missing when there are lot of things to do.
Oh sorry, we said “ French” for language, and “ France” for country ~~
And I find it is so cool to see someone who love wine, you know in France there are not lot of people who like wine, especially teen, and young adult because they like others alcool, like vodka, wisky…
My favourite wine is red wine 2, “ Côte du Rhone “, but I like white 2.
But never taste the “ rosé “ – pink? – because it’s a better way to have some headhache the next day.
I would like to come to Japan, cuz I want visit lot of things, temple, food ( Japanese restaurant in French are really good ) but I never taste ramen o/ I want.
Because I don’t know lot of things about this country, but I watch anime since I’m children – first Dragon ball z ah ah –
I’m interested about this country but it’s never easy to know tradition, culture without speak with someone who are native speaker, or withount visit country .
And why you like Europe? ^^’
Thx you Kazuki.
Have a good evening.
(My name is Marie)
And of course, time is always missing when there are lot of things to do.
Oh sorry, we said “ French” for language, and “ France” for country ~~
And I find it is so cool to see someone who love wine, you know in France there are not lot of people who like wine, especially teen, and young adult because they like others alcool, like vodka, wisky…
My favourite wine is red wine 2, “ Côte du Rhone “, but I like white 2.
But never taste the “ rosé “ – pink? – because it’s a better way to have some headhache the next day.
I would like to come to Japan, cuz I want visit lot of things, temple, food ( Japanese restaurant in French are really good ) but I never taste ramen o/ I want.
Because I don’t know lot of things about this country, but I watch anime since I’m children – first Dragon ball z ah ah –
I’m interested about this country but it’s never easy to know tradition, culture without speak with someone who are native speaker, or withount visit country .
And why you like Europe? ^^’
Thx you Kazuki.
Have a good evening.
(My name is Marie)
Hey 2.
Thx to reply me ~~
Oh really ? Did u enjoy it ?
Which city would u like visit if u come again ?
I start prepare my trip to Japan.
Have a good afternoon ~~
Thx to reply me ~~
Oh really ? Did u enjoy it ?
Which city would u like visit if u come again ?
I start prepare my trip to Japan.
Have a good afternoon ~~
Hey !
Happy new Year btw.
I saw that you would like to go to Europe.
Would you like visit France ?
Bye ! ~
Happy new Year btw.
I saw that you would like to go to Europe.
Would you like visit France ?
Bye ! ~

I learned playing bass guitar from my friend who plays electric guitar
My part was really short and easy haha
although I didn't buy my bass guitar yet, I think I can join the band pretty sooner than I think :D!!!!
I first didnt believe you that some ppl can learn bass in 1 week LOL but now I understand

is it hard to learn? did it take you a long time to learn?
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