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Tobias, 29 y.o.
Vienna, Austria [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 27.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2016
Hi,thank you for viewing my profile and pleasure to meet you.
inactive user
What's the name of your band? I'd like to listen.
inactive user
Happy belated birthday! :)
inactive user
I'm pretty good thanks :)
inactive user
How are you? :)
inactive user
Thanks for your visit :)
inactive user
Eh i mean many people want to get it. ....but only a few have it .. ..people talk about it all the time ha h a they used to cost 1280 pounds but now they cost 1000pounds haha
inactive user
Thanks so much that does of great help !!!
Well I know nothing about k518 I think q460 is popular here and also k3003haha but that s just super expensive
K374 is a nice one ,,one of my friends has it !
Thanks again !
inactive user
How much does AKG q460 costs in Austria? Is it popular ??
inactive user
Hey sorry for bothering, can you do me a favour ??
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