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Alyonka, 30 y.o.
Saratov, Russia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
inactive user
inactive user
Dejstvitel'no? Obshirnost' toboj opisannogo rajona menya nemnogo ozadachila. V neznanii ja predpologal, sto finny na Rusi prozhivajut do segodnsyashnego na territorii byvshej finsko-karel'skoj CCP. A sa samom dele vyhodit, shto ''vy'' oh kakije razmashistye. interesno, a vot esli v saratovskoj oblasti do sih por gutaryat (uslovno) na finskom ne uzh to i polovzy vmeste s vyatichami gde-nibud' sohranilis'? ))

Russkij starajus' podtyaghivat', vot na dnyah prinyalsya za ''tihij don'', nadejus' do konza leta ego perevarit'. K Italii, na samom dele, teper' uzh otnoshenija bol'she ne imeju - okonchiv ''sluzhbu'' kak nyan'ka i domhozyajka v schwejzarii k konzu avgusta perestrojus' v ghermaniju dlya dal'nejshego obuchenija. Tak shto eto kak by dlya menya na dannyj uzhe v proshlosti. Pobyval tam let 14 - i basta.
inactive user
I also speak Erzya language (Ersän kieli).

V konkretnom, bylo by interesno uznat' ob etom podrobnee. kakimi sud'bami dovelos' tebe vladenije etogo finskogo narechija?

privet iz schwejzarii, na dannyj moment )
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13, 2014
Hi i'm hicham
I'm new here, i hope you'll be my friend ^^
i like meeting new people and find new friends... thats why i signed up here
I also like to read, draw, watch movies or any interesting series on TV.
I also love to travel... its fun to reach places and experience different cultures so i hope i'll meet a lot of friends here for me to learn more from them :>
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2014
hello there you are sooo nice ;) how is evry think going ??
Reply - Conversation - Jan 27, 2014
You listen to folk metal, speak a Finno-Ugric language and play guitar.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 27, 2014
Сподіваюся сесію ти здала добре)
Ти маєш досить не погану українську. Дякую що ви такої думки про мою країну;)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 27, 2014
You're a crypto-Finn!
inactive user
Greeting, \m/
inactive user
good evening :))
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