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Soraya-Majeed, 30 y.o.
Singapore, Singapore [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 83.
inactive user
Aren't you on vacation as well? :D
Well,I think I'll relax as much as I can (: Maybe I'll go see a concert for the first time in my life. :p I'm doing great,I'm just very bored xD What about you?
inactive user
I'm great (: I have summer vacation now :D
inactive user
(: Thank you again!! :D
How are you? Sorry for the late reply :\
inactive user
Wow! So many compliments,thank you so much! You are also amazing! And very beautiful :D
Yeah Tel-Aviv is an amazing city. :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2011
i'm sure you catch up. i have faith in you :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2011
i wouldn't really say i hated the job but the hours can be ******* shit house.
yea lots of $$$$$$. which is super.
despite needing a break from school are you going well with your grades and what not?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 8, 2011
i wouldn't really say i am getting sufficient rest :( early starts, late finishes. excuse the language but i'm ******.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2011
Oh heyy! Well, nothing has really changed. I'm stilll working and making money which is good. how about you?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2011
good luck for school ! talk to you soon
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2011
I'm very well thanks, on holidays at the moment just chilling and enjoying the good weather. What subjects are you studying in high school? Any plans over the summer? it is the summer in Singapore right?? haha I must get my maps out ! have a nice day/sleep
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