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Song, 33 y.o.
Uijeongbu-si, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 49.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2013
I'm working in an office, classing ID's files and so on... It's a bit boring but it'll pay soo... XD
And in august I'll work for the postal services, I don't know yet what i will have to do but I'm happy to work cause I need some money for my school year =)

Ow it would be great if you could come to Paris~
But UK is great too!! I love UK I wanna go there again!

I don't know how it is in Sweden but it must be so cool!! Would you tell me how it is ? It must be sooo beautiful!

OO Woaw! here... It's been hot (25-27 Celsius) all this week but we had some thunderstorm so I thought it would be cooler but it's still warm! I don't really like this here, I'm back in my home so I'm not so far from the sea and, when the weather is warm, it's also humid so... Not really cool.

But!!! There's some sun!!! We didn't have sun! It just came... last week xD Rainy spring~
Reply - Conversation - Jun 4, 2013
I'm fine, how are you?
I was thinking you'd forgotten xD

I'm working this month, I had my exams last month so my school year is over and I came back home.
See ya in september, Paris~ x3

waaw so great!!! I'm really happy for you!!
Where will you go for this program ?
You'll discover so much!! More than I did ! But I can telll you Europe is a wonderful place~
Where will you go in France ? Paris ??

Thank you for sending me some news, I'm happy!
inactive user
Ok, have nice dreams :3
inactive user
I prefer her with blond hair^^

A okay true, there is late...
Talk to you later too, nice to meet you^^ Bye :)
inactive user

Yes, it is beautiful, I want to see the full version, but I dont like Sunnys new hair ..D:
inactive user
And he is short like me xD He can do anything he want~

I have many disney songs on my ipod
inactive user
My favorite boy group is Super Junior, and Girl Group After School^^ And what do yu think about the new teaser of SNSD? the one called "I got a boy"?
inactive user
I like Jessica too^^ And do you listen to another girls group or boy groups?
inactive user
Oh, L'arc en ciel it's great! I love all the bands of Hyde-san >w<

That's great, I think that my favourite anime it's Death note.
I love them too :3 especially for the songs <3
inactive user
great too^^
Do you like SNSD? My favorite one is yoona :)
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