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Rainy Day, 39 y.o.
Astana, Kazakhstan [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 21.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2010
Privet! Menya zovut Leandro. Kak dela?
inactive user
Hi kazakh girl. how r u? greetings from Iraq
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2009
Hey nice to meet ya.It's kidy from china.where are you from?
inactive user
Hey thurr how is it goin'?
ure technically my neighbor xD
inactive user
Hi MatchBox 20 fan,
How're you? What's up?
I'm doing good. Today I'm availing my annual leave. So, I'm just relaxing by staying home.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2009
Hi! Nice to meet you
How are you?
I`m a korean. I live in seoul.
My name is byungwoo
I visited your homepage, when I`m finding friend.
I love to make friends
Can you become to good friend?
I`ll wait your answer

E-MAIL:[email protected]
MSN:[email protected]

If you want penpal,
Kim Byung Woo
#5-701 Jinju Apt 20-4
Sinchon-dong Songpa-gu
Seoul zip code:138-240
inactive user
hi Kazakh gir. wats ur name? greetings from Iraq
inactive user
Anything else?? Oh yes, your phone number plz!! :-> just kidding pal!
Reply - Conversation - May 19, 2009
Hello Nice to meet you Ray~!
I'm from Pusan in South korea
I would like to be freinds with you.
inactive user
Hi, dear! How are you today? Is everything good for you?
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