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John Lehnov, 33 y.o.
Mayma, Russia [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 357.
inactive user
Hell no! I'd much rather the snow (^-^) That's a rarity in Ireland and scarce when it does fall but I'd rather that bit of snow and a storm than any other weather
inactive user
Hiya ^^ I'm great and my beautiful country is as green as ever CX
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2014
thank you :)
inactive user
Wha I think that there is a big difference in time . What time is is there? It's 6:05 am here .
Let's speak on messages if it's okay.
inactive user
I was asleep , and I'm going to sleep again .
And I'm Emy :)
inactive user
NM , and u?
inactive user
I'm good thank you !
How about you?
inactive user
привет) как тебя зовут ?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2013
ı dont understand u :/
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2013
I would recommend mercy for the dollar to be Muslim to get what peace there's nothing as good as being close to god really :)
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