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Mat, 37 y.o.
Farnborough, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 74.
inactive user
haha, the other people in your profile album have lost their eyes !! lol
whatever, cool photos!
inactive user
Hey how r u? :) :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 24, 2009
hey guy :-) how's it going?
inactive user
bahantek smutasie ile masz w pasie:D
inactive user
i love anime too.
Miyazaki is amazing.
inactive user
Yes, I think that's the most interesting part too, although I like almost every domain of psychology (except for neuropsychology :p). So, tell me, are you in your bachelor- or masteryears? Do you also have to choose between clinical psychology/experimental psychology/etc. in your thirth bachelor?:)

Well, It's already a few years ago but I loved it! Certainly want to go back sometime. It's a shame that the weather isn't much better there than it is over here ;) Do you like to travel?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2009
You're most welcome :) Wish you the best of luck :D

Yeah! It's crazy especially when you have to read right to left and downwards! sooo confusing!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2009
I use to change my mind ALOT on what I wanted to do, but the one that that never change was my love of music :) I'm sure you will be great at whatever you do end up doing :)

Yeah kanji would have to be my weak point lol. They say that Japanese is easier to learn that English!
inactive user
Hello Mat,
I'm a psychology student too, just love to help others just like you! And our favorite music is quite similar so... want to talk? ;)
inactive user
HAHAHAHAHA sprytnie to rozegrales powiem ci ;) jak ci minaƂ tydzien?napisz cos wiecej:D
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