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Ngenda, 39 y.o.
Livingstone, Zambia [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2009

inactive user
the morning is good so far, i don't have much work on my table. how is it with you?
inactive user
am good ngenda and how are you doing there in livingstone?
inactive user
am good ngenda and how are you doing there in livingstone?
inactive user
am gud yoself?
Reply - Conversation - May 11, 2009
I don't get online regularly. I'm pretty random...
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2009
I live in California, in the US.
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2009
coincedence! I would like to share more about you!!
You start. =]
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2009
hi! how are you?
inactive user
hey go on
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