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Maya, 27 y.o.
Toulouse, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 209.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2020
Happy birthday to you and here's to a very unorthodox, confusing but surprising and intriguing friendship.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2017
Sooo are you Kurdish then?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 27, 2017
Weclome again :D
Reply - Conversation - Oct 29, 2016
hola saludos desde el PERU
inactive user
God no, don't apologise! Haha Took me a very long time to reply first! (:
I was actually very lucky because the mother in my family studied english in university so she speaks very well and I somehow manage to communicate with the father as well who has lessons with me every week! (Thank you so much for the recommendation! Very nice of you!) Ah, the childrenyou are working with are a bit older at least, hopefully that makes it a bit easier! My host kids are 3 and 6 (girl and a boy). (Hahaha I try to not use french swear words becausw the little guy copies everythin I say. Actually the first thing I learned here was "tout à l’heure" because little guy always uses it and it's the best way to say no to him without him getting angry haha)
inactive user
Hahaha daaamn, you are lucky though! Neither of the kids here speak english so it´s really hard to communicate with them!
Oh god, I relate to that so much! Just happened with the little guy now when I tried to put him to a nap, he apparently wanted me to wipe of his face with took me 10min to understand!
How old are the children you take care of? (:
(Definately the best swedish word! ;D I´m so impressed if you are able to pronounce it!)
inactive user
Thank you so much!
I've been here for a month now and god it's really difficult! It's very difficult ti understand a 3 y.o speaking in french, I pribably stared at him for 3min when he asked for cheese yesterday haha
I hope you have a great time in Sweden and that my fellow swedes treat you great! :3
inactive user
maya t'es trop mignonne t'as cette tradition bizarre de toujours m'apprendre quelque chose quand tu postes sur mon mur, je sais pas si t'as remarqué!!! i can't fucking wait either and i love you you lucky *****
inactive user
thankyou for the recommendation:)
inactive user
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