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Leslie, 32 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
inactive user
Hi! ^^
What's up?
inactive user
Yep, I watched it when i could :)
inactive user
that's good. Are you watching the olympics?
inactive user
Hi! Sorry I haven't posted in a while :/
inactive user
Like, uh, what's new?
inactive user
Just about the same you things you do lol
How are things?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 22, 2010
hey, how are u?
inactive user
I'm doing good as well. What do you like to do for fun?
inactive user
Hey there! :) How are you?
inactive user
hi there! I'm Emily :)
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