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Leandro Cimarolli, 32 y.o.
Atibaia, Brazil [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Some college

Relationship status


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 991.
inactive user
Me gusta tu 'favorite quote' XD
inactive user
foda de economia é lidar com os dinheiros dos outros e não sobrar mto pra vc né KKKKKKK

mas hein, vc tá estudando em santo andré mesmo?
sabe dizer se tem vaga de jobs pra designer aí?
inactive user
tranquilo, tranquilo não tá! essa faculdade tá acabando com a minha beleza, vivo cheio de trabalho pra fazer kkkkkk

e aí???
inactive user
ola, quer tc???
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2015
I would surely like to teach you Tagalog if you want it kkkk. I live here now in Brazil and trying to learn how to speak your language too :)
inactive user
vou deletar vc dos meus amiguinhos pq vc visualiza o whatsapp e não responde!!!!!!!!11!!1
inactive user
whatsapp, Le
41 8711 9119
inactive user
oi mosso!
obrigado por visitar meu perfil! AHSUSA
como você tá?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2015
Its all gud! :) Maybe Bossa Nova ws/is mor popular to outside Brasil than to u Brazilians? Bt i am definately a fan. xD
Reply - Conversation - Jan 27, 2015
Haha!! Love ur quote xD Thanx for the list of Brazilian artists,ur mudic id beautiful! Do u listen to Joao Gilberto,Carlos Jobim?(i love bossa nova). ^^
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