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Sharyn, 52 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 181.
inactive user
Hello there
How are you doing today?
inactive user
I'm a Korean.
Your looks are pretty and beautiful
I am interested in you.
good luck
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7, 2020
You are too young for my attentions but your nickname drew me to you.

I am sorry for the loss in your life...but you will eventually heal that hole in your heart ❤. Stay positive but use prudence.
inactive user
Very interesting profile... Greetings from far-away Poland!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 17, 2018
Hi empath! I also have these abilities! I can hear people even at a distance, the main thing is to concentrate on them ....)))
Reply - Conversation - Sep 8, 2018
10/10 cool and interesting personality!
Reply - Conversation - May 11, 2018
Very interesting profile. I believe you are Kinesthetic and Audial...
inactive user
hello friend iwould like to correspond with u as ur pal pal friendship by exchanges email and snail hope to hear from u soon
inactive user
Yeah, It felt like winter a couple of days ago. We are two or three weeks into Spring. I was just hoping we would start the transition. Oh well. It is here now.
Not much has changed with me. Just working. I have been busy with that. I hoping it will wind down by the end of the month.
Where have you traveled to?
inactive user
I am okay. Happy that today feel like spring. We had snow a couple of days ago.

It has been a while. What's new with you?
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